MITx 6.002x week 7 – no hard algebra or maths for once!
I wrote yesterday that I was concerned I needed to complete the week 7 materials, homework and lab this week, as well as tackling the midterm exam. However, encouraged by some of what I saw on the...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x – midterm complete
It’s Saturday afternoon(*) and I’ve just completed the 6.002x midterm exam. In total, there were five multi-part questions, covering some basic circuit analysis (Q1), Thevenin and Norton circuits (Q2),...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x week 8 – just about keeping up with the schedule
Having basked in the afterglow of a successful midterm exam for a little while, I returned to week 8 of the course on Sunday. The lecture sequences were on step, ramp and impulse inputs to RL and RC...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x week 9 – the school of hard sums
This week’s theme on 6.002x was hard sums. Second order differential equations to be precise. However, for anyone still struggling to get through the lectures, don’t give up! It turns out that most of...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x week 10: (sine) waving but not yet drowning
This week’s lectures have been about the response of networks to a sinusoidal drive and how to analyse them. First of all, this involved using an incredibly difficult method based on solving...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x – almost time for the final exam
I’ve just completed the last homework (week 12) for 6.002x, so I’m running rather behind schedule as I haven’t even looked at the lectures for week 13 yet. Normally, this wouldn’t be much of a...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x final score: close, but not close enough
The chart shows I gained a total of 86% overall – meaning I miss an ‘A’ by 1%. Rats! As always, the questions I answered on the final exam seemed fairly straightforward and the ones I didn’t attempt...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x: post mortem 1
Now that the final exam has finished and the only thing that appears to be happening in the 6.002x forum is a lot of bickering about certificates, I thought I’d write a couple of posts to finish my...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x: post mortem 2
As promised, I’m now going to spend a little time reflecting on the experience of 6.002x as a whole. 1. Course content As I said in my first post-mortem post, I was a little disappointed that there...
View ArticleedX 6.00x week 6 – going up a gear
Whew. Suddenly, after five relatively straightforward weeks, 6.00x has kicked up into a higher gear. I’ve just got to the end of this week’s lectures, finger exercises and problem set and it’s been far...
View ArticleSD815: Contemporary Issues in Brain and Behaviour: Psychosis and Dementia
News today from the Open University about the launch of a new postgraduate module. Too late for me to be interested, but perhaps it’s an encouraging sign that the social science faculty is re-engaging...
View ArticleMITx 6.002x week 7 – no hard algebra or maths for once!
I wrote yesterday that I was concerned I needed to complete the week 7 materials, homework and lab this week, as well as tackling the midterm exam. However, encouraged by some of what I saw on the...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi motion sensitive camera
Other than messing around with a few FORTRAN benchmarks and learning how to code using Python, I haven’t really used my Raspberry Pi computers for very much that’s been practical. However, having...
View ArticleHumidity and temperature monitoring with a Raspberry Pi
Continuing my quest to protect my Caterham 7 using my Raspberry Pi, I bought a bargain box of 37 assorted sensors for £21. One of the devices supplied was a DHT11, capable of monitoring...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi – camera box
This weekend, I was finally happy that I’d managed to implement a reasonable temperature and humidity project as well as a motion detecting camera for my Raspberry Pi. I decided to invest £19 in...
View ArticleA Zambretti weather forecaster
When I was recovering from my stem cell transplant last year, I built a weather forecaster. It uses a Raspberry Pi, a BME280 sensor and a 20×4 character LCD screen. The forecasting algorithm I’d...
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